Saturday, March 12, 2016

Practical work evaluation

The actual making of my practical work didn't take long once I had settled on an idea but finding a suitable way to approach this did take some time. Peer crits and one on one chats with my peers were actually more helpful than usual in determining the direction for my work and i think it would have been very different without that help and feedback. Something i didn't expect from this was to not have a physical version of the work, even though i took inspiration from publication which are usually made to be printed. I had considered printing it despite what i felt but then it would void the purpose, at least that what I thought. As i said in my design boards, had i known that i wouldn't end up printing it i would have tried to develop my concept and design into something i feel would benefit from actually being printed physically. Overall im actually really happy with the practical response i have produced and feel like i successfully achieved the aim i set out at the beginning of this task.

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