Monday, October 3, 2016

OUGD501 - Context Of Practice 2

Briefing for context of practice:

Context of practice 2 is not about information, it's about critical and logical analysis. To have a critical understanding of all contexts of art (aesthetics, cultural, historical, technological and social)

There is an emphasis on the relationship between theoretical and practical work, as the two should go hand in hand, work together and compliment each other. 

For this module I should identify a focus and research it as much as possible through:

- reading articles
- reading books
- documentaries
- talks with practitioners
- exhibitions 
- etc

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Essay Evaluation

It's been a long time since I had written an essay of this length. If written essays before where the text needed support from quotes but never written something that requires quotes and Sources etc and this was new to me. The thing I found hardest about this essay was narrowing down all my thoughts and feeling on this topic. It's quite a controversial issue and as a female and a feminist, a lot of aspects of advertising are very angering and it was very easy to get a bit enthusiastic and go off on a tangent go using too heavily on my Own thoughts and feelings. After I had reigned my self in a bit the next most difficult task was the research. For me, most of the information in this essay came from first hand experience as in order to complete it I had to find sources that justified what i was saying, almost like doing the essay backwards. After my first Initial feedback my only criticism was that I had to ensure all my point were backed up and so when reworking it I made sure to find a source for everything I said in order to back up my claims. Overall I'm pretty happy with my essay, I think I outlined everything I wanted to say about the topic and covered some very key areas of the matter and have set a good foundation for my practical investigation. If I had more time I probably would try and make the essay a little more organised and structured. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Practical work evaluation

The actual making of my practical work didn't take long once I had settled on an idea but finding a suitable way to approach this did take some time. Peer crits and one on one chats with my peers were actually more helpful than usual in determining the direction for my work and i think it would have been very different without that help and feedback. Something i didn't expect from this was to not have a physical version of the work, even though i took inspiration from publication which are usually made to be printed. I had considered printing it despite what i felt but then it would void the purpose, at least that what I thought. As i said in my design boards, had i known that i wouldn't end up printing it i would have tried to develop my concept and design into something i feel would benefit from actually being printed physically. Overall im actually really happy with the practical response i have produced and feel like i successfully achieved the aim i set out at the beginning of this task.

Study task 6 Practical investigation

Study task 6 practical investigation

Study task 5 essay planning

study task 4 - paraphrasing

Study task 3 reading and understanding text

Study task 2 Finding sources