(To be read alongside the powerpoint)
- Lascaux caves, France, first known drawings to western scholars.
- · Richard Long, Red Earth Circle, magiciens de la terre, accused of cultural appropriation· Connection to modern and ancient art· Rothko – Religious/emotional experience. People crying when they view his work because they are expected to. The context that the paintings are viewed in, they are viewed as images of suicide, transcending the literal flat plane of colour.· Papal altar and frescoes interior of the basilica of Francis Assisi, the art and the décor used to make people feel lesser than the Gods, displayed a potent image of power· Mona Lisa - Bogus religiosity - famous because of culture.· Marcel duchamp attack on convention (graffiti mona lisa)· Graffiti, taking art and creativity out of an elitist setting.· Banksy is being placed back into galleries – re appropriation· Puts artists on a pedestal to say that their method transcends painting and is a reflection of the deep primal urge to create art and is spiritual/a record of the psyche.· “exemplar of the free mind of the western world” – Jackson Pollock· Stalin banned avant garde work as it was not understandable to the average man, incomprehensible.· Socialist realism, propaganda?· Images that are re-contextualised are also neutralised· Shepard Fairey re-contextualised his own image· Gillray did more than anyone to bring napoleon down· Der fuehrers face – Donald duck in Natzi land – Disney 1943 mein kampf· L’atelier populaire 1968· Sois juene at tais toi ‘be young and shut up’· Images have the power to change and rewrite history and consolidate a based view.· Constable 1821 depicted an image of tranquillity in a time of rioting and unrest· Art commissioned to display wealth and power· Advertising shows a perfect world in which we can attain via consumption making us feel incomplete without said product.· Gang rape as a form of advertising – dolce and gabbanna· Exploiting a misogynistic sexuality· United colours of Benetton Oliviero Toscani· Exploiting the death of one for personal gain or trying to reach out to humanity?· Mortem photography – Victorian post – cheated death.
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